Doctors, environmentalists welcome SC ban on firecrackers

Doctors, environmentalists welcome SC ban on firecrackers in Delhi-NCR region

Want stricter, comprehensive and time-bound action plan to address all sources of air pollution Doctors and environmentalists have welcomed the Supreme Court’s decision prohibiting the sale of firecrackers in Delhi-NCR, and expressed the hope that it would ensure a relatively cleaner Diwali this year. “We appreciate the Supreme Court’s decision on prohibition of firecrackers’ sale…

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Moscow faces bomb calls, evacuates 100,000 people

Moscow faces bomb calls, evacuates 100,000 people

Among those targeted by the bomb calls, Friday were all four Moscow airports, five railway stations, 15 shopping malls, several hotels, more than 20 schools and many other venues, the state Tass news agency said. Moscow on Friday faced over 130 fake bomb calls that prompted the evacuation of some 100,000 people from shopping malls,…

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It details ongoing and future tourism projects and mentions a number of famous tourist destinations, including a temple in Gorakhpur where Mr Adityanath is the main priest.

Taj Mahal left out of an Indian tourism booklet

The Taj Mahal has been controversially excluded from an Uttar Pradesh tourism booklet. The booklet, issued by the tourism department, was not intended to be a promotional brochure, but the omission of one of the seven wonders of the modern world has nonetheless sparked anger and bemusement. Journalists, politicians and activists were among those who…

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