Options for Online Learning handy skills, new languages, short courses and knowedge gain while stuck at home

Are you stuck at Home due to Social Distancing recommendation from Govts around the Word to control the spread of Corona Virus?  Here are some Online Options for Learning handy skills, short courses and knowedge gain while stuck at home. You can also find following infomartion useful when stuck at home due to other reasons…

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TOP 5 Corona FACTS you must know about lockdown, social distancing, infection survival to avoid PANICKING by mis-information

We have collected the top 5 FACTS you must know about lockdown, social distancing, infection survival to avoid panic caused by mis-information. We have quoted reliable and credible sources for your information. Do share with friends and family. Top 5 Facts to help avoid panicking are listed below and detailed explanation given below (can be…

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Guide: How To Survive Covid-19 Home Isolation/Quarantine from WorkFromHome Experts

How To Survive Covid-19 Home Isolation/Quarantine First we have listed some tools and links to help you with Home Isolation related advice given below. We will keep updating this list. But don’t make work from home a permanent habit as its not good for mental health and leads to loneliness and emotional disconnect with surroundings…

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Newsflash: European countries start moving towards complete lockdown due to corona virus threat.

As European countries start moving towards lockdown due to corona virus threat (see news shared below) it is very important that we do all we can to stop the spread of corona virus.  Please read W.H.O Corona Virus FAQ here: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses MUST WATCH VIDEO OF W.H.O advice on Corona Virus for public is here (share…

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All Corona Virus FACTS and FAQs in 1 page – Also how to protect your loved ones from Corona Virus

Some CoronaVirus FACTS first: COVID-19 stands for Corona Virus Disease 2019. Its a particular strain of Coronavirus family which as of 06-Mar has infected more than 100000 people across the world. Mortality rate so far is 38/1000 people and its spread rate is 3+ which means every infected person will infect atleast 3 more people….

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