NEW DELHI: India on Friday went hammer and tongs at Pakistan for its policy of sponsoring terrorism and said the country has now become “Terroristan“, or a land of “pure terror”.
“Pakistan is now ‘Terroristan’, with a flourishing industry producing and exporting global terrorism,” India said while exercising its ‘right of reply’ at the United Nations General Assembly.
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Taking a dig at the prefix “Pak”, which means “pure” in Urdu, India said Pakistan has long abandoned its aspirations to be moral and virtuous as a nation and instead, its name has become synonymous with terror.
“The quest for a land of pure has actually produced ‘the land of pure terror’. In its short history, Pakistan has become a geography synonymous with terror,” India’s first secretary to the UN Eenam Gambhir said.
Citing the example of Hafiz Saeed, a UN-designated terrorist who has floated a political party to contest the next general election+ in Pakistan, India underscored how the neighbouring country was providing safe havens to terror leaders in its military town or protecting them with political careers.
India’s statement was in response to Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi‘s maiden speech at the UNGA on Thursday, in which he had defended terrorism and once again sought to Pakistan’s PM rakes up Kashmir issue at UN, urges intervention+
India pointed out that raising the Kashmir issue has been a long-established tactic of Pakistan to deflect attention from the terror outfits it harbours on its soil.
“It is extraordinary that the state which protected Osama Bin Laden and sheltered Mullah Omar+ should have the gumption to play the victim. By now, all Pakistan’s neighbors are painfully familiar with these tactics to create a narrative based on distortions, deceptions and deceit,” Gambhir said.
Abbasi had demanded an international investigation into the alleged atrocities in Kashmir and sending of an inquiry commission to the restive state in order to secure the punishment of those “responsible of human rights violation” and provide justice and relief to victims.
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